Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sorry, No Flash in the Future of iPhone

I just read an article on PCWorld (, Read the article) that had me gaping with surprise. Apple has closed off avenues that allow developers to use non-native apps for the iPhone and iPad; in response Adobe has stated they will be "ceasing efforts to bring Flash-based applications to the iPhone".

According to the article (and this was something I wondered about but never got a straight answer on) Apple basically doesn't want Flash to work on their iPhones and iPads. They want all apps to be native to Apple - a typical Apple proprietary move.

So anyone who has been wondering just when your i-Stuff will be Flash-compliant, you might as well forget it. Go with an Android.

(Does Apple really think this is a good idea? Maybe they're trying to make Flash extinct - they've done it before, first with floppy discs, then with Zip drives, then with serial cables. Who knows, maybe they will. It will be interesting to watch this unfold.)

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